Monday, February 8, 2010

Budding Artist

Recently my oldest daughter, Andrea signed up to be the artist of the month at the Itty Bitty Buzz in Port Angeles, WA. She got married in August of last year and she has been in limbo ever since. You see, she married a Canadian, so now she waits. She waits for the Canadian government to give her permission to come into the country and live with her husband. So while she is waiting she decided to put some of her art out into the world. Okay, maybe not the world but at least out into Port Angeles. She has been dabbling in oil pastels for quite awhile now. She picked them up while she was living in Louisiana at the age of 16. I know that she really enjoys working in that medium and her use of color and shape is very pleasing to the eye. She aspires to learn oil painting someday. It's funny she always thought of herself as craft challenged when my kids were younger. I knew she had an artistic side; we just had to find the right medium to bring it out. There will be an Art Walk on February 12th if anyone is interested in participating. You can also go downtown anytime to the Itty Bitty Buzz and get yourself a fabulous cup of coffee and browse the art while you're there. By the way, did I mention that I am very proud of her?

1 comment:

Lisa Holman of XSBaggage and Co. said...

That's fantastic! Now I'm going to have to get myself down there to see her work. Very exciting!!