Monday, June 21, 2010

Market Dogs

It seems that the popular thing to do these days is to bring your dog to any public outing that you go to. I am not sure how this trend started. I have hypothesized that it may possibly be due to the busyness of people today. Maybe people are so busy working that they feel that they need to spend more of their off time with their dogs; you know the way people used to feel about their families? I could be totally off base. A friend said that he thinks people take their dogs everywhere to get attention. This may be true for some, maybe not for others. Regardless of why it is happening, I get to see all kinds of dogs at the Sequim Open Aire Market, which is where I spend my Saturdays, peddling my goat milk soaps and other skin care products that I make here on the farm. One thing is certain, if business gets slow there is no shortage of entertainment. So I started taking pictures of dogs that I find interesting for one reason or another and think it is time to share a few here. So, here we go:

                                                                 Long, Hairy Dog

Dog That Walks Himself

3 Legged Dog (who wouldn't look at me)

Smiling Dog
(pictures doesn't quite show how smily he was)

Dog In A Pouch

Dogs Being Strolled
(yappy buggers)

Dog Greeting Party

Dog In Costume
(she has an eye condition)

Dog Carrying Favorite Toy

Dog That Needs Two Pictures

This one was sent by a friend from another market and needs a title. Suggest one in the comment section.

Strange Dog

Huge Slobbery Dog
Just seeing if you are still paying attention
This is Maude

Hair Dog
As the summer market season wears on I am sure I will see more great dogs and I will be sure to snap a few photos to share with you.


Lisa Holman of XSBaggage and Co. said...

Great shots Shannon! The last one should be 'Footstools', at least I think that's what *you* called them. lol

SWiggins said...

lol, you're right Lisa, I did call them foot stools. I had forgotten abou that.

Melodie said...

Haha,good luck getting one to be still long enough to use as a footstool! I have one and I have tried!

Teresa said...

I love the pictures! I must say I really like Maude. Maybe you can title the one picture Bull Dog. Not very creative, huh?

Lisa Holman of XSBaggage and Co. said...

That 'strange dog' is some kind of a pit bull I think. One of the ugliest dogs ever. Love the Maude picture!

SWiggins said...

I enjoy playing "guess the dog breed" while I am at the market.

Teresa, I considered "Bull Dog" but it just seemed to plain for such unique looking dogs. Maude is my oldest daughter's cat. She is a character.

Lisa, it is a Bull Terrier, I have just always thought they were so weird looking.

Gail said...

What a stunning variety...What is scary, I could name all the breeds show!

SWiggins said...

Gail, I don't think that is scary at all-I think it's great.

Rebecca Jo said...

I have four dogs, but that's why we have four - so they can keep each other company & we dont have to take them EVERYWHERE... though they do a love good outting to the park!

I love the big slobbery dog... minute the slobbery...

I went to our local Bass Pro Shop last week & saw 3 different families with dogs in there! I was like, "whats going on?" didnt even realize it was a pet friendly store.

jerriann said...

Hi, thanks for leaving me a comment of my blog. :)

I love dogs. They entertain me and I love watching them. I don't travel with them but then we live in the country and they have plenty to do.

I love the smiley face dog. I think they have a sense of humor and maybe even laugh at us. ??

SWiggins said...

I am pretty sure they are laughing at us too;)

Ruth said...

Lotsa dogs!

Unknown said...

How funny! Love the photos. Cannot believe someone bought a stroller for their dogs. What is the world coming to? :D

SWiggins said...

I see so many dogs every Saturday, it really is entertaining. You wouldn't believe how many I see in doggie strollers and doggy front packs. I really feel bad for the ones in the front packs. Strapped to their owners chest with their legs sticking out in front of them. I wonder if they feel humiliated in front of other dogs, lol.The indignity of it.

Miss Iowa said...

You are so right! We were just commenting on this phenomenon a couple of weeks ago. I don't understand why people feel they have to take their dogs to art shows, annual festivals and farmers' markets, etc., especially when it's so hot and humid! I guess pet owners are the new helicopter parents. LOL
OH--caption for last photo: Bacon bacon bacon! :)

SWiggins said...

Helicopter dog parents! too funny. Oh, and I like your caption suggestion too.

Jennifer said...

I LOVED this post, how fun! The pictures were great and brought a big smile to my face.

I am not good with titles but the bulldogs made me think "serious dogs". They look so serious about getting a treat. The smiley dog was cute, our Great Pyrenees "Abby" smiles all the time!

I really got a kick out of the dog that brought his favorite toy. Felt just a tiny bit of sadness at that one too. He reminds me of my old dog Kody that died. He LOVED his squeaky toys and constantly carried one with him. Cute pictures!