Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The joys of motherhood

Being a mom of 5 children I have heard all kinds of excuses. This morning for instance, I was sleeping soundly when my youngest (14) came into my room to get her phone. Yes, I make her bring her phone into my room at 10 p.m. and leave it there ALL NIGHT. The trials of being a teenager. It's "SO UNFAIR" to "TREAT her this way". "It's NOT like she'd be on it anyway." She doesn't see WHY she has to do this" and "NONE of her friends have to." Well, I don't believe kids should have 24 hour access to chatting with friends, so that is the rule I decided on. What causes an extra embarassment to her is that when other parents find out about it they thinks it's such a great idea.
Now, She knows that she is not supposed to wake me or her dad up to get her phone but I am usually an early riser and am up before her. However, last week I had a sleepless night and consequently slept later in the morning than usual. She did have to come in and wake me up at 8:30 to drive her to the bus stop. Now, to be fair, I made the mistake of saying,"thank you, I can't believe I slept so late." This was just the chink in my armor that she needed to fuel her excuse this morning. As I said, I was sleeping soundly when I hear this sweet little whisper, "mom, mom, mom". I roused myself as best I could and said, "what?" in my nicest, sweetest tone. In reality I think I probably sounded more like the grinch because that's exactly how I felt. I may even have been whining a little. That's when she said it. The BIG excuse, the validity of which she is still trying to convince me of. " It's 6:45" she says, (and here's the clincher)" I thought you'd want to be up." Ahhh, there it is, the joys of motherhood.
Anyone who says that God does not have a sense of humor has never been a parent to teenagers. Just about the time in your life when they quit bugging you to get up in the wee hours of the morning, you start waking up early for no apparent reason. Such is life.........


OurCrazyFarm said...

Oh you mean, mean mother to love and care about your children that much:)))LOL! We (me and my teenager) were just talking this morning about parents setting guidelines for their kiddos. Keep it up momma:))

SWiggins said...
