Doesn't she look like she is just going to burst?
I headed down to the barn to check and as soon as I rounded the hay feeder I saw two brand new babies from the only other doe that hadn't kidded yet. Of course she had them in the only spot that I can't see from the house. What did I tell you? They are plotting to have them without me. I scooped them up, took them into the milk parlor and finished drying them off. Two very large doelings. 8.6 and 8 pounds. These babies are already about the size of Saturdays largest kid. I had to put red collars on them just to tell tham apart. This is one of the new doelings.
In this picture you can see the one with the collar in comparison to the others
Here is a picture of the percentage boers that were born on Sunday. Don't they look comfortable napping in the sun?
I'll let you know as soon as the last fat lady sings.
I want to snuggle down with the goats in the sunshine. Your almost done and I haven't even begun to deliver kids. That's okay, I can wait and hopefully the does have them on their own without me which means all is well. I glad your almost done and then you can relax but then maybe that's just me that gets nervous when kidding time comes.
No it's not just you, I get nervous too. It is still bothering me that we lost the one doeling on Saturday.
They are pretty girls!
I'll be ready for the fat lady to sing too ... but it'll be a while for me. My first group kidded in late January, the second group in February, and the 20 first fresheners are just getting ready to get started! These are the ones that really make me nervous.
I have only 6 more to go but I only had 7 bred! lol They look downright miserable! Pretty babies!!
Such sweet baby goaties! Congrads!
Oh Brenda, 20 first fresheners? Argh, I hate first fresheners. Are these all milkers or are they meat?
Argh! is right! They're all milkers. I'm keeping some doelings out of my best does each year to bring my number of milking does up to 80. That's where I want to be in the next year or two. I have 16 saved so far from this year's kids for next season. Sometimes I think I need my head examined! But, to make goat milk cheese, you have to have goat's milk. :D
I tip my hat to you Brenda.
So cute!!
Such nice babies! Mine bred late this year... I only have 2 does but they aren't due til April 18 and May 20! Late!
She DOES look huge. Keep us posted!
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