Only one of these does is not bred, can you guess which one? Looking at them from this aerial view in my hay loft reminded me a lot of Sesame Street. Do you remember that little song they used to sing? Maybe they still sing it; my kids are too old for it now. One of these things is not like the other. I know you are singing it in your head right now. This view really shows how big the girls are getting.
I expect babies any day now. My Boer/Nubian (that is the white one) doe, NutMegan should be first. She does not really want to leave the barn today. Usually the girls all go out to the big pasture together to graze. NutMegan has not been very willing to follow today. She looks at the other does longingly. She wants to follow but her instincts tell her to stick close to home. That is a good sign that she is getting close.
I will post more pictures and updates as the babies start coming so check back often.
Waiting on goatie's better than Christmas!
I have one doing the samething... I dont knwo what she is waiting on but I am ready!LOL Good luck!
NutMegan...what a great name.
Thanks for the comments. Still no babies today. I have people coming who want to see babies. I think they are going to be disappointed. I am so ready to have milk again.
Good luck with the babies! It's such an exciting time!!!! We need lots of pictures!
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