Thursday, February 24, 2011

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!

Remember just a few days ago when I posted about how glorious the sunshine was. I raved about how beautiful Port Angeles is and how much I needed some light, and about how lovely it felt. Well, I am singing a different song today. It is still beautiful but I swear it was spring a minute ago. Here is the proof, My sweet little crocus are poking there heads out and wham! A huge (for us) late snow storm.

Proof that the kids really should put away the basketball EVERY time.

     I took a walk to the Discovery Trail not too far from my house and snapped a few pictures.

This is a covered bridge that spans the frigid waters of Bagley Creek. I didn't get a picture of this but my dog didn't let the snow stop her from taking a romp through the water while we were there, brrrr!

                                   This is the view from one side of the bridge

and this is the view from the other side.

Even though I am ready for spring, I do love the snow. I love the way it seems like a soft blanket that covers the ground, hiding any mud or trash. The trees are adorned with nature's decoration and all sound is muffled making everything in the woods seem very still. It is truly wonderful. Now book me a trip someplace warm!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why did I move back to Port Angeles, WA?

 Some days, especially in the winter I start asking myself, "Why did I move back here?" It can be dark and dreary. The rain can go on for days and the most common color we see is grey. Several years back it rained everyday (at least a little) for thirty-two days straight. On days like today I am reminded of the sheer beauty of this place I call home. The slogan says it's "where the mountains greet the sea" and it is true. I would feel lonely anywhere that I could not see mountains and water. It was cool and crisp today but the sun was shining like it was summer. If you didn't step outside you could convince yourself that it might be 80 degrees outside. Everyone here must have been aching to feel the sun today because on our way out to Ediz Hook there were people everywhere. Coming out of their doors and blinking into the sun like moles coming out of the ground. We all have to wear sunglasses because we are not used to the light. I once read that people in Washington buy more pairs of sunglasses than anywhere else in the states because it is so long between times that we use them that we lose them and have to buy another pair. I snapped a few pictures to show you how beautiful it is.

A lady was feeding seagulls and there was a huge flock surrounding her. I made sure to park far away from her since I just washed my car today.
This is Port Angeles

The beach logs

We decided to walk on the logs without touching ground for as far as we could. We made it quite a ways but I did have to touch once when the kids didn't. I just couldn't make the jump.

That strip of land that is on the horizon in this picture is Canada.

                    This is my youngest daughter, Grace. Apparently when you are 16 you have to text  
                                                     everywhere you go all of the time.    

So this is why I live in Port Angeles, Washington. It is truly beautiful here. Okay, my family might have a small something to do with why I moved back here but don't tell them, it might go to their heads.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Beer Soap!

Finally, it's done! I have been waiting and waiting and it is finally cured. I used a bar yesterday and it was fabulous. Barhop Brewing was the first to jump right in with my new business idea of using products from other small businesses as an ingredient in my soap. That Tom Curry, he's adventurous, I must say. There was no hesitation on his part; he knew a great opportunity when he saw one. It looks rather plain but the smell is rich and exotic. It's a scent that I made myself and I am calling it Havana Nights. Check out and find it on the Soaps page.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Am I ambivalent? Well, yes and no.

Even though I have been feeling ambivalent lately about a lot of things there is always at least one thing that I am sure of, baby goats are sooooo cute. I told you before that I gave my two favorite goats to my niece, Shirley and her family. So yes, I did get rid of all of my goats but my two favorites are just across town; and while there were only two when they left my house, now there are nine. Yes, that's right, I said NINE! In the last three days they more than tripled their numbers. This morning I got to hop in my car and head over to pet some fuzzy, new babies so I snapped a few pictures to share with you.

The first doe surprised us with two doelings and a buckling. We were so surprised because she hardly looked pregnant. The second doe, which looked as wide as a sideways barrel, had two doelings and two bucklings. She was carrying about 30# worth of kids so I guess she was entitled to look so big.

This is Will, he is learning how to do the milking and baby feeding. I am so proud of him for taking on this project. He is a hard worker and a bright, young business man in the making.