Even though I have been feeling ambivalent lately about a lot of things there is always at least one thing that I am sure of, baby goats are sooooo cute. I told you before that I gave my two favorite goats to my niece, Shirley and her family. So yes, I did get rid of all of my goats but my two favorites are just across town; and while there were only two when they left my house, now there are nine. Yes, that's right, I said NINE! In the last three days they more than tripled their numbers. This morning I got to hop in my car and head over to pet some fuzzy, new babies so I snapped a few pictures to share with you.
The first doe surprised us with two doelings and a buckling. We were so surprised because she hardly looked pregnant. The second doe, which looked as wide as a sideways barrel, had two doelings and two bucklings. She was carrying about 30# worth of kids so I guess she was entitled to look so big.
This is Will, he is learning how to do the milking and baby feeding. I am so proud of him for taking on this project. He is a hard worker and a bright, young business man in the making.
Oh! They are adorable!
Thanks, Lisa. They are so soft at this age and wobbly. Who wouldn't love them?
Oh... They are so cute!!! I have to admit the farmer across the street from our neighborhood just had lambs and they too are the most adorable little things I have ever seen! The jump and prance!!! I just have to stop and watch sometimes!!!
I was worried when we had -5 temps last week that he might lose them, but it seems they have more than multiplied. Thanks for sharing these sweet pictures!!! And for stopping by my blog. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog as well. I would have to agree, baby lambs are adorable. Do they jump and bouce around like goats do? I especially love it when they climb up on something and take a pirouette type leap off.
Wow, Shannon, they are totally cute!!! And I bet they're frisky, too, and lots of fun to watch! Good for Will for taking on such a project!
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